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Senin, 08 November 2021

[Download 40+] Antenne Dipole 11m

Download Images Library Photos and Pictures. Коллинеарная антенна WI-FI. Антенна Бестер. Homebrew 144 MHz Coaxial Dipole Antenna $4 SPECIAL antenna

. Construir antena yagi para 2 metros. 2 Meter Vertical Dipole Build – WI9LL 2 Meter 440 Vertical Dipole Antenna Project by W7LPN

I've always said that ham radio would be so much more fun if it weren't for all the wires and connectors. It always seems that there is always a cable coming loose, causing the whole mess not to work. But connectors are an important component of ham radio, and they certainly seem to bemystify new… I've always said that ham radio would be so much more fun if it weren't for all the wires and connectors. It always seems that there is always a cable coming loose, causing the whole mess not to work. But connectors are an important component of ham radio, and they certainly seem to bemystify new…

I've always said that ham radio would be so much more fun if it weren't for all the wires and connectors. It always seems that there is always a cable coming loose, causing the whole mess not to work. But connectors are an important component of ham radio, and they certainly seem to bemystify new…

I've always said that ham radio would be so much more fun if it weren't for all the wires and connectors. It always seems that there is always a cable coming loose, causing the whole mess not to work. But connectors are an important component of ham radio, and they certainly seem to bemystify new…

2 Meter Vertical Dipole Build – WI9LL 2 Meter Vertical Dipole Build – WI9LL

Homebrew 144 MHz Coaxial Dipole Antenna Homebrew 144 MHz Coaxial Dipole Antenna

Коллинеарная антенна WI-FI. Антенна Бестер. Коллинеарная антенна WI-FI. Антенна Бестер.

70cm J-Pole Antenna Project by John M0UKD. 70cm J-Pole Antenna Project by John M0UKD.

2 Meter 440 Vertical Dipole Antenna Project by W7LPN 2 Meter 440 Vertical Dipole Antenna Project by W7LPN

J antenna and variations thereof J antenna and variations thereof

Antenna was designed for SO-50 satellite operation. It has gains 4 dBd on 2m and 6.5 dBd on 70cm bands  and it is fed via single 5... Antenna was designed for SO-50 satellite operation. It has gains 4 dBd on 2m and 6.5 dBd on 70cm bands  and it is fed via single 5...

Amateur Radio Technology Portal Amateur Radio Technology Portal

Construir antena yagi para 2 metros. Construir antena yagi para 2 metros.

2 Meter Vertical Dipole Build – WI9LL 2 Meter Vertical Dipole Build – WI9LL

Short Ham Antennas For HF Short Ham Antennas For HF


Indoor Antennas That Work! - Ham Nation 460 Indoor Antennas That Work! - Ham Nation 460

Feedpoint Feedpoint

2 Meter Vertical Dipole Build – WI9LL 2 Meter Vertical Dipole Build – WI9LL


2 Meter Vertical Dipole Build – WI9LL 2 Meter Vertical Dipole Build – WI9LL

4EB146 4EB146

Listening to Satellites with a Homemade Yagi Antenna Listening to Satellites with a Homemade Yagi Antenna

2 Meter Vertical Dipole Build – WI9LL 2 Meter Vertical Dipole Build – WI9LL

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